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Abuya As-Sayyid Muhammad bin Al-As-SayyidAlwi Maliki al-Hasani was born in Makkah in 1365H. Early education is the Madrasah Al-Falah Mecca, where his father Alwi bin Sayyid Abbas al-Maliki al-Hasani as a religion teacher at the school who also doubles as a teacher in the Haram Makki halaqah a very famous place near the chapter As-salamHis father, Sayyid Abbas bin Alwi Al-Maliki (Makkah th birth 1328H), a famous and renowned scholars in the city of Makkah. Besides berdawah active in both the Grand Mosque in the city or other cities adjacent to the city as Thoif Makkah, Jeddah etc., Sayyid Almaliki Alwi is an ecclesiastic who first gave a talk on the radio Arabia after Friday prayers under the title "Hadith al-Jumah" . Similarly, his father was a Qadi who is always on call if there is a celebration of the marriage Mecca.During the duty of proselytizing, Sayyid Abbas bin Alwi Almaiki always brought his two sons Muhammad and Abbas. They both always accompanied him wherever he went and lectured both in Mecca or outside Mecca. As the journey continued preaching after his death he was Sayyid Muhammad bin Sayyid Abbas Alwi Almaliki and always dealing with the welfare of his father's life.As is customary the hardness [1] and Ashraf [2] Experts Mecca, Sayyid Alwi Almaliki always use a different outfit with scholars around him. He always wore jubbah, turban (Imamate) and burdah or pleasure commonly used and worn Ashraf Makkah.After the death of Al-Sayyid maiki Alwi, son of Sayyid Muhammad emerged as the successor to his father. Besides teaching in the Haram in halaqah Masjidi, he was appointed a lecturer at King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah and the University of Umm Al-Qura Makkah the science of Hadith and Usuluddin. Long enough to run his duties as a lecturer at two Universiatas they will be, until he decided to resign and chose teaching in the Haram while working to open majlis gatherings and lodge in his house.The lesson that is given either in the mosque or at home his illegitimate berpoin not certain as to the science at the University. However, all the lessons they provide can be received all the public good or the educated general public, can all be accepted and all get to taste what is given Abuya. Thus he always emphasize to make the house bigger and can accommodate more than 1000 students per day is usually done after Maghrib until Isha prayers at his home in Hay al Rashifah. Similarly, every month of Ramadan and the feast he always received all the guests and students with open arms without a pick classes or degrees. All the guests at his side and his disciples, all received the same award and all the taste of science together. He has been out of the house scholars who carry the banner of Allah's Apostle to suluruh corners of the earth's surface. In which country we get his student in India, Pakistan, Africa, Europe, America, more so in Asia which is the orbit dahwah Abuya As-Sayyid Muhammad al-Maliki, his disciples thousands of students who not only became clerics and scholars will but not the least of murid2 him into the government.In addition to regular lectures and study groups in doing every day anyway, he has tried to establish the amount santrinya hut not least, all coming from all over the world, learn, eat, and drink without a penny in fees collected, he even gives scholarships to students as pocket money. After several years of study the students returned to their countries for religious broadcasting.Abuya As-Sayyid Muhammad al-Maliki is known as a teacher, lecturer and educator who is not loud homage, not extravagant, and always receive the wisdom and mauidhah Hiwar hasanah. He wanted to raise their status and dignity of Muslims to be good human beings who behave in muamalatnya to God and to others, distinguished in deeds, actions and thoughts and feelings. He is intelligent and educated man, brave and honest and fair and love of neighbor. That's the main teachings of Abuya As-Sayyid Muhammad bin Alwi Almaliki. He always accepts and respects the opinions of people and like-minded people who do not respect him or not in line with thariqahnya. In life he was always patient with people who are not good with his thinking or bersependapat with alirianya. Received opposing all patiently and trying to answer with wisdom and menklirkan an issue with the facts and the arguments are not telling the emotions and conflicts that are not qualified and interminable. He knew exactly that the weakness of Islam is the contention of the clerical and this is what you want, the enemies of Islam. To the extent that he accepted it willingly removed from his position in both the University and study groups he is in the Haram. All this he received with patience and sincerity even he always respects people who do not bersependapat and like-minded with him, they have a view semasih mistake that comes from al-Quran and Sunna. The scholars who have received gemblengan of Sayyid Muhammad bin Alwi Almaliki, they are smart and educated. In addition to mastering the Arabic language, they mastered the religious sciences are sufficient to make a marja 'and the reference in their countries.In his later years relating to the terrorist incident in Saudi Arabia, he received an invitation from the chairman of the Grand Mosque Sheikh Abdurahman bin Alhushen pious to follow "Hiwar Fikri" which was held in Makkah in the tg 5 to 9 Dhul Q'idah H 1424 with the title " Al-qhuluw wal I'tidal Ruya Manhajiyyah Syamilah ", where he had the privilege to issue an opinion on thatarruf or more poluler called fundamentalists or the teachings of the wing Extremist. And from there he has launched a book that is very popular among the Saudi society, entitled "Fil Dairah Alqhuluw Irhab Ifsad Almujtama Wa". From there, start his views and thoughts about proselytizing acclaim and awards are always public.Tg on 11/11/1424, he had the opportunity to give lectures in the presence of representatives of the king Amir Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, whose contents he always will highlight efforts to unite scholars sound forge unity and proselytizing.In addition to his duties as a preacher, teacher, pembibing, lecturer, speaker and all forms of activity that bermangfaat for religion, he is also a great poet and the author excels. No fewer than 100 books have been authored, it circulates throughout the world. Not a few of his outstanding kitab2 been translated into English, French, Urdu, Indonesia, etc..He died leaving six sons, As-Sayyid Ahmad, Abdullah As-Sayyid As-Sayyid Alwi, As-Sayyed Ali As-Sayyid Al-Hasan and As-Sayyid Al-Husen and several daughters who can not be called one by one herein.He died Friday tg 15 ramadan 1425 and was buried in the cemetery beside the grave of Al-Ma'la wife Khadijah bint Rasulallah Khuailid ra. And that he witnessed the burial of all the people that Muslims are in Mecca at that time, including clergy, scholars, the students who come from all over the country, both from outside Makkah or from overseas. All of them witnessed the last days before he was buried, all he saw janazah disembahyangkan at the Grand Mosque after prayers ba'da evening which was attended by no less than a million people. Similarly, for three days and three nights open house for the thousands of people who would like to express condolences and do `aza '. And on the last day `Aza, vice Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, Amir and Amir Sultan came to his house to deliver a speech of condolence and say goodbye to religious leaders who can not forget the people.Good-bye good-hearted father. Goodbye figure ever instill wisdom, knowledge, exemplary hearts of our hearts. Farewell race leader that we can not forget the position and sincerity. Farewell to the hero of honest, sincere in charity and perbuatanya. Bye bye ..., .. kemulyaan good and you had during your life and when meliputimu wafatmu. You have lived your day in the world with the glorious day, and now you have received in return when it is with noble wafatmu. If now we have been separated for a while, then we will definitely catch you and God willing, we will surely meet and get together again