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Quisque sed felis

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Soldiers of Allah
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No Compromise - Soldiers of Allah PDF Print E-mail
Written by SOA   

We won’t compromise this Deen
No matter how hard it seems
We won’t compromise this Deen
Allah is with Muslimeen

They want to change
my name from Ali to Al
From Mohammed to Moe
Practice half of Islam
LAA’..!! I don't think so
do you remember the story of Bilal
How they were crushing him
between rocks
Because he wouldn't compromise
La - Ilaha - Ilallah
Mohammedun Rasul-lu-llah
From slavery to bravery
No negotiations of this Deen
Ya’ Muslimeen Look to Islam
and you will see Islam is complete
No compromise at no cost
Practice Islam
and not just at the mosque
Doesn’t make a difference
if it’s him or her or me
We should be representing Islam
so stay strong
and Keep your Muslim identity

We won’t compromise this Deen
No matter how hard it seems
We won’t compromise this Deen
Allah is with Muslimeen

No compromise in this Deen
Victory is promised
For the Muslimeen
Carriers of the Deen
Back on the scene
Ready to unveil this kafir’s scheme
Now we wonder why
Our youth decide to leave
Watching them compromise
Acting half way Islamicly incomplete
When they meet and they greet
The greatest Ummah ever to rise
Is now seen on his knees
An Ummah
who use to lead this world
Is now begging the kafir please
Have mercy
Can't you see?
They want us to Act like them
think like them and be like them
But we act based on Islam
Like Allah declared in the Quran
Because we know
Who is in command
Islam will have the upper hand

We won’t compromise this Deen
No matter how hard it seems
We won’t compromise this Deen
Allah is with Muslimeen

Under no circumstances
No matter what they think
Sisters be Proud
A Muslimah
That's what you are
With that Hijab on
Despite the peer pressure
in our lives
Covering up a way
from the evil eyes
In school at work we advise
Don’t compromise
Islam guides
Darkness to light
Weakness to might
Stand tall
Answering Allah’s call
Brothers do the same
Don’t play the kafir’s game
We Muslims
Yeh..We stand up for each other
Brother to a brother
Islam has no contender &
We will NEVER surrende
You know what I agree with these brothers, how could they want us to bargain, how could two different system coexist within each other I mean communism as a system can not be part or cooperate with the democratic system or vise versa and these are man-made systems so how could a system from the creator of man coexist and be part of the man-made systems. NO man!!! We don’t except this, we will not compromise our Deen. I am speaking for all Muslims who know their Deen
No compromise!
Ya Muslimeen
Don’t compromise
Ya Mu’meneen
No compromise
Time is slipping
Can’t compromise
Get on the right track
Won’t compromise
Take a STAND!
Don’t compromise
Remember these words
No compromise
Can’t compromise
Rebuild our state
WON’T compromise
Implement Islam
Don’t compromise
Legislate and regulate
Can’t compromise
Islam is our creed
No compromise
Halal is our means
Can’t compromise
Open up your eyes
WON’T compromise
With One Ummah!
Don’t compromise
With One agenda!
No compromise
With One vision
Can’t compromise
No divisions
Don’t compromise
No compromise
WON’T compromise
Brothers and sisters
Don’t compromise
Who know the truth
Can’t compromise
Turkey to Afghanistan
Don’t compromise
Palestine to Iran
WON’T compromise
Listen to this call
Can’t compromise
Let us be the ones
WON’T compromise
Breaking these walls
No compromise
United we stand
Don’t compromise
Divided we fall
No compromise
Hold your applause
Don’t compromise
Bring back Islam
WON’T compromise
Live for Islam
No compromise
Work for Islam
Can’t compromise
Keep your Deen strong
Don’t compromise
It’s Allah’s demand
No compromise!
Obey only Allah’s commend
WON’T compromise

Don’t compromise!
WON’T compromise!
Can’t compromise!
No compromise!